Fundoo Times
Being a single mother, you may not really want your kids of celebrate Father's Day, or would you? Read out the following article to learn more about the single mom and Father's Day.

Single Moms And Father's Day

Father's Day means a day to honor fatherhood and to remember all the hardships he faced while raising up his children. The day is of great joy and affection for many families, but for single mothers who do not live with their male counterpart, it is a day of tough emotions. This day injects in her a feeling of insecurity as well as a sense of lack of emotional support.

But why shall one make a hue and cry just for a day dedicated to fathers? As a single mom, you have to admit the fact that the other person is the father of your kids, however harsh and misunderstood your personal relation was. You can not deny that whatever you do to kids, you can not replicate their father and remembrance of one day won't make your efforts of their upbringing futile. They love you, it's just that they want to meet and spend some time with their father. Children have a very light heart, they get hurt easily. As a mother, you have to become slightly open towards them and try to see things through their point of view. Here are some tips for you single mothers, which you can use on next Father's Day.

Single Mom on Father's Day

Do Not Make Judgment
However bitter your experience was with your spouse, never make a judgment about what your children are supposed to do. Give them freedom and support to meet and talk to their father. Meet your friends, colleagues and relatives and share with them whatever you have in your mind. If celebrating Father's Day at some picnic spot with their father delights your kids, let them go. Don't advise them about their father, but let them judge him their own way. In this way, they will respect and love you more than ever and will always be yours.

Have Right Attitude
If you set right attitude towards father of your kids and the day meant for them, children will feel free to share their feelings with you. On the other hand, if you get irritated and convey a negative message about the day and their father, they will become shy and would not share their feelings with you. Also, it may lead to many confusions and misconceptions in their heart about their father and his relation with you. The situation will be worse if they consider separation is the sole end of every relation. So, building and maintaining right attitude is of foremost importance for you.

Let Kids Express Themselves
Do not hinder their happiness and joy because they are related to one you don't want to have around. Make your kids feel free to celebrate Father's Day. Most importantly, let them express themselves. If they want to celebrate it with their father, let them do that. Meanwhile you can also take some time for yourself. Go for shopping, meet your friends or simply call your father to wish him 'Happy Father's Day'.

Be With Your Children
Being with them emotionally will make them strong enough to face the world's challenges. Put yourself in their shoes to better understand their state of their mind. There is an inherent desire among kids to stay with their both parents and play with them even if they hardly ever seen him. Understand this need and stand by their side.