Fundoo Times
This Father's Day, wish your dad with famous Father's Day songs. Read this page and other sections on songs for Father's Day.

Father's Day Songs

Make no mistakes about it; a father's role in our lives is as important as that of a mother, though mothers take most of the credit away from the fathers, deservingly but unintentionally. It's a special chemistry shared between a father and his children that is celebrated on this day. A father's values, his shared experiences (no matter how many times he shares it), his strengths and his unfailing love are what help his children grow up into a self-respecting adult. From the wounds they clean to the catch-ball they play, from the bedtime stories to the harsh dressing-down; a father does everything to ensure a healthy life for his kids. It is a thankless job really, and just a thanks indeed, for their dedicated efforts, is what they'd appreciate.

Father's Day, a day to thank your dad for being around, does exactly that. It is close at hand and there won't be another opportunity quite as fitting as this for that expression of gratitude and thanks that you've been considering all this while. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in most countries, though it is also celebrated in other months in some countries. And, as far as wishing him on this day is concerned, there are many ways by which you can express your gratitude for all the efforts he put in. Among them, one is music, by which you can make his day extra special for him. Whether you're his little boy or girl or a grown up man or woman, Father's Day songs can go a long way in expressing your emotions towards your father and lyrically say what needs to be said. Continue exploring through the sections if you're looking for some good Father's Day songs. You can either choose to make a CD or sing some to him in person. Happy Father's Day!

Father's Day Songs From Son
Father's Day is a tradition which is followed by children from all over the world. Father son relationships are quite complicated because there is an unsaid tussle between them for various reasons. But this doesn't mean they don't love each other.

Father's Day Wishes
Thinking of wishing your father on Father's Day, but can't get the right words together. Then let us help you with it. As this is the only day in the whole year when you really get time and chance to show gratitude to the most important man in your life, you have to ensure

Funny Father's Day Songs
Fathers are perhaps the noblest creatures in the world owing to the selfless life they live. Apart from bringing home the bread and butter for the family, there are numerous other roles that they have in their family. There is so much a father does and it's such a shame that there

Popular Father's Day Songs
Its Father's Day and you are planning to give your dad a day off from his daily chores, but you feel something missing. Well, let us tell you that there is nothing lacking in your efforts; the one thing that can complete this day is a nice song dedicated to your father.

Best Father's Day Songs
Chapter 1 - Music: Only a few pleasures match up to the pleasure derived from a neatly composed melody whose lyrics, vocals and music, all working in unison and enter the heart to strum at the strings. It's the magic of music which, if works, can send the listener into

Father's Day Songs From Daughter
If we were to go a century back, we would find a daughter named Sonora Smart Dodd, a loving and selfless father named William Smart and the story about how Sonora's efforts won an annual Father's Day for all the fathers of the world. William Smart, a widower

Father's Day Songs From Kids
It's already an agreed upon statement, stamped by the world, that kids are sweet and whatever they touch turns even the sourest of things into honey dipped delicacies. So we needn't dive deep into the concept. Coming on to the father's day; even though kids